terça-feira, agosto 21, 2007



ABOUT – sobre, a respeito de - EX.: The teacher is talking about propositions.

ABOVE - acima de . EX.: The plane is flying above the clouds.

ACROSS – através de, do outro lado de. EX.: He walked across the street.

AFTER – depois de, atrás de. EX.: I will talk to you after five o´clock.

AGAINST - contra . EX.: Brazil played against Mexico last year.

AMONG - entre, no meio de ( várias pessoas, coisas.) EX.: There was a clown among us.

AROUND / ROUND – em redor de, em torno de . EX.: The kids are running around the house.

BEFORE – antes de, diante de . EX.: The class always begins before seven-thirty.

BEHIND - atrás de. EX.: They hid behind that tree.

BELOW – abaixo de. EX.: The temperature is below zero now.

BESIDE – ao lado de . EX.: Samuel always sits beside paul in the classroom.

BESIDES – além de . ex.: what language do you speak besides English ?

BETWEEN – entre , no meio de. (duas pessoas ou coisas.) EX.: We are sitting between you and tom.

BEYOND – além de ( referindo-se a lugar) EX.: he lives beyond the mountains.

BY – junto a, perto de, no mais tardar, por (autoria), de (transporte)EX.This poem was written by me.

DOWN – para baixo., EX.: I carried the baggage down the garage.

FOR – por, durante, para. EX.: I bought the book for two dollars.

FROM – de.(indica origem, ponto de partida) Beto is from Crato.

INTO – para dentro. He is going into he house now.

IN FRONT OF – na frente . EX.: There are 100 people in front of me.

NEAR – perto de. EX.: My mother lives near the church.

OF – de EX.: Could you give a glass of water. ?

OFF – fora de ( oposto de ON) The car is off the road.

OUT OF – fora de ( oposto de IN) The students are out of the class.

OVER – sobre, por cima de ( sem estar em contato) The cat jumped over the fence.

SINCE – desde . EX.: I haven´t heard from Jim since January.

THROUGH – através de (passando por dentro ) The boy made a hole through the wall.

THROUGHOUT – por todo, de um extremo a outro. EX.: He traveled throughout the country.

UNTIL / TILL - até ( relação a tempo ) They will wait until Saturday.

TO – para . EX.: This is not the road to the hospital.

TOWARDS – em direção a . EX.: There´s a strange man walking towards you.

UNDER – embaixo de. EX.: Look ! Your son is under the table.

UP – para cima., EX.: Mary carried the heavy Box up the stairs.

WITH – com. EX.: I live with my parents.

WITHIN – em, dentro de (relação a tempo) Ray will come here within two months.

WITHOUT – sem . EX.: John went to the theater without any money.

To believe in – acreditar em To consist of – consistir em
To depend on – depender de To dream about / of – sonhar com
To insist on – insistir em To rely on – contar com
To think about /of – pensar em
To be addicted to – ser viciado em
To be ashamed of – ter vergonha de To be dressed in – estar vestido de (COR)
To be free from / of – estar livre de To be good / bad at – ser bom, ser mau (escola)
By heart – de cor By mistake – por engano

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